About myself

I received my Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics for Engeneering in 2019 with a thesis on credit risk modelled with mixtures of Bernoulli variables.
In 2021 I received my Master's Degree in Mathematical Engeneering with a thesis on the comparation of different robust approaches to static portfolio optimization.
I am currently a PhD student in "Modeling and Data Science", I am working on a research project held in collaboration between University of Turin and FIDA s.r.l.

Current projects

My present and past research topics include:

  • Hierarchical classification
  • Text classification
  • Time series analysis


  • Predicting Cryptocurrencies Market Phases through On-Chain Data Long-Term Forecasting. Casella B., Paletto L.
    Link to paper: Iris. Conference: IEEE ICBC 2023
  • Hierarchical Priors for Hyperspherical Prototypical Networks. Fonio s., Paletto L., Cerrato M., Ienco D., Esposito R.
    Link to paper: Iris. Conference: ESANN 2023